Providing feedback about our regulatory work and communication with stakeholders
Stakeholder survey
The commission conducts an annual stakeholder survey to evaluate our performance and help drive improvements to the way we operate as a regulatory entity. The survey is an online census conducted independently by ORIMA Research.
Improving how we regulate
The stakeholder survey provides information about:
- how we interact with the sectors and the communities we serve
- how well we keep stakeholders informed and administer our functions
- our processes and the quality of our decisions
Maintaining effective engagement
Effective engagement with our stakeholders is critical in our role as Victoria’s regulator of essential services. Our stakeholder engagement framework outlines our charter for engagement and consultation to inform our decisions and regulatory practice. View our work programs for more information about our yearly goals.
View our latest stakeholder survey results
We invited over 2,500 stakeholders to participate in an online census-approach survey in November 2022. The survey was designed to measure stakeholder perceptions across a range of key areas and metrics, including five key areas of over satisfaction.
Key findings
258 out of 2512 stakeholders completed the survey.
Overall, 52% of stakeholders were satisfied with how the commission performs its functions as regulator, down from 62% in 2021 and 64% in 2019 (the survey was not conducted in 2020 due to Covid-19 pandemic).
There was considerable variation in satisfaction across different stakeholder groups, ranging from 76% (amongst consumer/community representatives, a group that represents 8% of the total number of survey respondents) to 37% (amongst businesses involved in energy pricing, representing 27% of respondents). The largest represented group in the survey (energy, representing 39% of survey respondents) recorded a relatively low level of satisfaction (40%).
Perception that the industry/sector is treated fairly by the commission was the largest driver of satisfaction with a Beta score of 0.31. This metric recorded a relatively modest rating of 47% in 2022 (down from 59% in 2021 and 64% in 2019).
Overall perceptions about the commission across a range of other metrics were mixed, with close to two thirds agreeing the commission is trustworthy, an effective working relationship with the stakeholder organisation, and a clear direction and purpose.
Lowest-rated measures related to encouraging innovation in industry and issuing proportionate penalties.
Most metrics (including four of the five key drivers of overall satisfaction) declined from 2021 results, with the largest declines relating to the commission treating organisations and sectors fairly and engaging effectively with stakeholders.
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