This policy states our position on responding to, and the provision of, gifts, benefits and hospitality.
Gifts, benefits and hospitality policy
Our Gifts, Benefits and Hospitality Policy states our position on responding to, and the provision of, gifts, benefits and hospitality to others.
It helps commission employees avoid conflicts of interest and maintain high levels of integrity and public trust.
The policy:
- applies to all workplace participants, including executives, commissioners, employees, and any contractors, consultants or individuals undertaking activity on behalf of the commission that are advised it applies to them
- has been developed in accordance with requirements outlined in the Victorian Public Sector Commission’s Minimum Accountabilities for Managing Gifts, Benefits and Hospitality
We encourage employees to uphold particularly high levels of integrity, politely decline offers where practical, and proactively advise suppliers and entities we regulate that we prefer offers not be made.
Gifts, benefits and hospitality register
Each year, we publish a de-identified version of our gifts, benefits and hospitality register to this website.