We have updated the evidence required for low flow shower roses (activity 17 in the Victorian Energy Upgrades program) and the revised the space conditioning, shower rose and incandescent lighting activity guide.
Changes to evidentiary requirements for low flow shower roses (activity 17)
29 April 2021
Changes to low flow shower roses (activity 17)
We have updated the ‘Space conditioning, shower rose and incandescent lighting activity guide’ and clarified the evidentiary requirements for shower rose replacements (activity 17). We did this because of feedback we received from stakeholders.
The photo evidence for activity 17 has been changed to include a photo of the rose in its original position prior to its removal. This photo evidence must be clear, in focus and show the face of the rose. An example has been provided in Appendix D of the activity guide.
Appendix D of the activity guide gives examples of common roses that are ineligible due to their already efficient flow rate. This is not an exhaustive list but does give installers clarity on what is not eligible. We compiled the list in response to feedback and queries we received from accredited persons.
Access the updated activity guide.
Bucket-test guidance
We have incorporated feedback from stakeholders regarding the bucket test and its associated challenges. This update explains that the bucket test is not an evidentiary requirement, but installers can use it as a guide to assist them in determining the eligibility of a rose shower.
Where to get help
If you have any questions or feedback on this program update, please contact VEU support on
(03) 9032 1310 or veu@esc.vic.gov.au