We have updated the Victorian Energy Upgrades (VEU) measurement and verification guide to clarify the effective range rule.
Clarification on effective range rule for project-based activities in the Victorian Energy Upgrades program
1 December 2021
Clarification of effective range rule
In response to stakeholder feedback, we have updated our measurement and verification method activity guide to clarify how stakeholders are to apply the effective range rule under the measurement and verification method of the VEU program. We have also included a detailed example of how to apply the effective range rule to determine which time intervals are eligible to create certificates under the measurement and verification method of the VEU program.
We believe that the clarification and detailed example should provide stakeholders with the guidance necessary to claim the correct amount of certificates under the measurement and verification method of the VEU program.
Where to get help
If you have any questions or feedback with respect to matters set out in this program update, please contact VEU Support on (03) 9032 1310 or veu@esc.vic.gov.au