We have made changes to the Victorian energy efficiency certificate creation form for public lighting upgrade in the Victorian Energy Upgrades (VEU) program.
Update to VEEC creation form and activity guide for public lighting upgrade (activity 27)
21 October 2021
Changes to certificate creation form for public lighting upgrade
Following stakeholder feedback, we have made several amendments to the public lighting upgrade (activity 27) certificate creation form:
- The field name ‘Product approval type’ has been changed to ‘Baseline lamp type’
- Selection entries for the updated ‘Baseline lamp type’ field have been changed from:
- ’AEMO approved’ to ‘AEMO listed’
- ‘Not AEMO approved’ to ‘Not AEMO listed’.
We have made these changes to better reflect the inputs you must provide when submitting creations for your public lighting upgrade activities in accordance with VEU specifications.
You will need to use the updated VEEC creation form to submit creations for public lighting upgrades from 30 October 2021.
The VEU registry update will also update entries for all previously submitted certificate creations under public lighting upgrade (activity 27) from:
- ’AEMO approved’ to ’AEMO listed’
- ’Not AEMO approved‘ to ’Not AEMO listed‘.
Update to activity guide
We have also updated our public lighting upgrade activity guide to provide information on how to calculate certificates and complete the certificate creation forms for this activity. When completing the creation form for this activity, you must comply with the following table for the baseline zone entries:
Incumbent lamp type determination
Baseline lamp type field |
Nominal lamp power field |
Lamp type listed in the AEMO load table |
where Victorian load (W) is listed |
AEMO listed |
Victorian load (W) listed in the AEMO load table |
where Victorian load is not listed |
AEMO listed |
Nominal device rating (W) listed in the AEMO load table |
Lamp type not listed in the AEMO load table |
where lamp type is listed in Table 16 of the activity guide |
Not AEMO listed |
Nominal lamp power for the lamp |
where lamp type is not listed in Table 16 of the activity guide |
ESC approved |
Commission determined LCP value |
Where to get help
If you have any questions on this program update, please contact VEU Support on (03) 9302 1310 or email veu@esc.vic.gov.au.