From left to right: Ombudsman Catherine Wolthuizen, Energy and Water Ombudsman Victoria and Chairperson Kate Symons, Essential Services Commission sign 2023 Memorandum of Understanding
EWOV is an independent and impartial dispute resolution service. A not-for-profit organisation, EWOV helps resolve complaints between Victorian customers and their electricity, gas and water companies. EWOV is free to Victorian customers.
The Essential Services Commission is an independent regulator that promotes the long-term interests of Victorian consumers with respect to the price, quality and reliability of essential services. The commission regulates Victoria’s energy, water and transport sectors, and administers the rate-capping system for the local government sector.
As the dispute resolution scheme approved by the commission for electricity, gas and water matters, EWOV and the commission work closely together to promote and uphold energy and water customer rights and entitlements.
The updated agreement builds on the 2019 MoU. It focuses on collaboration and information-sharing to inform policy insights and general intelligence and identify and address potential non-compliances by regulated energy and water businesses in Victoria.
EWOV’s Ombudsman, Catherine Wolthuizen looks forward to the next phase of working with the Essential Services Commission as it continues to regulate the energy and water sectors most relevant to the work of EWOV, its scheme participants and Victorian consumers.
Essential Services Commission chairperson Kate Symons says the commission values the critical role EWOV plays in supporting Victorian energy and water customers.
“This MoU is an important milestone in what has historically been a positive and productive relationship between the commission and EWOV. Through this MoU, we will continue to promote effective communication, information sharing, cooperation and coordination in performing our respective roles and functions in Victoria's energy and water industries, united in our efforts to deliver better essential services to Victorians,” Commissioner Symons said.
From left to right: Ombudsman Catherine Wolthuizen, Energy and Water Ombudsman Victoria and Chairperson Kate Symons, Essential Services Commission
Key collaboration initiatives between EWOV and the commission include:
co-hosting an energy and water leaders family violence forum in August 2023 to promote positive change among regulated businesses to improve support for consumers affected by family violence.
information sharing which has led to investigations and effective compliance and enforcement outcomes to hold regulated businesses to account, including a referral from EWOV to the commission that resulted in a court enforceable undertaking from a water business over allegations it failed to uphold critical protections in place to support customers affected by family violence.
regular sharing of insights and monthly data trends relating to disconnections, payment difficulty, consumer experiences and other information to inform policy and regulatory decisions to facilitate improved outcomes for consumers.
assisting consumers to navigate the essential services sector with accessible and inclusive communications and engagement opportunities for diverse consumer groups.
“The collaboration and communication established to date will be further underpinned by the MoU, supporting the relationship between EWOV and the Essential Services Commission” says Ombudsman Wolthuizen.
The updated MoU supports the commission’s regulatory work program including compliance and enforcement, the making or updating of guidelines, reform projects such as the land access code of practice, and updates to existing codes.
The 2023 MoU is effective immediately and will be reviewed in 2026.
View the Essential Services Commission's memorandums of understandings including the updated memorandum of understanding with the Energy and Water Ombudsman Victoria.
Visit the Energy and Water Ombudsman Victoria website to learn more about their relationship with the Essential Services Commission and other industry, government, regulators, consumer groups and ombudsman services.